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September, 2023

The Unforeseen Value of Alternative Accommodation Cover in Home Insurance

Home insurance is a safety net we all hope we never have to use. Customers often view it as an expense they’d rather not think about, convinced that disasters only happen to others. But when the unthinkable strikes, a comprehensive home insurance policy with alternative accommodation (AA) cover can make all the difference.

At Rapid Relocate, we understand the importance of this often-overlooked aspect of home insurance, and in this blog, we’ll shed light on why it should be a priority for your customers.

  1. The ‘It Will Never Happen to Me’ Attitude

Customers often underestimate the value of AA cover, operating under the assumption that they won’t need it. However, when the unexpected occurs, they quickly realise the significance of having the right level of coverage in place. AA cover provides a safety net, offering peace of mind in the face of adversity.

  1. Maintaining Independence

In times of crisis, staying with friends or family might seem like a cost-effective solution. However, this can strain relationships during an already stressful period of a home insurance claim. AA cover ensures that your customers can maintain their independence, reducing the burden on their loved ones and allowing them to focus on the recovery process.

  1. Coverage that Fits the Need

Customers today often prioritise minimising monthly insurance costs, opting for policies with lower coverage limits. We’ve seen policies ranging from £15,000 to £100,000, and the difference becomes apparent when short-term needs clash with long-term requirements for alternative accommodation. At Rapid Relocate, we work closely with you to help your customers make informed decisions about their AA options. While we aim to ensure coverage goes the extra mile, lower end coverage limits can sometimes necessitate staying with friends or family temporarily until suitable alternative accommodation is secured, such as a rental property.

  1. Preparing for the Unexpected

Claim lifecycles can be unpredictable. Initial estimates often prove inaccurate once the repair or restoration work begins, leading to a prolonged need for alternative accommodation. Comprehensive AA cover ensures your customers are prepared for these unforeseen circumstances without incurring additional costs or disruptions to their lives.

  1. Gratitude in Times of Crisis

While no one wishes to use their alternative accommodation cover, your customers will be immensely grateful if they find themselves in the unfortunate position of needing it. Adequate coverage provides them with the reassurance and financial protection necessary to navigate the challenging times following a home insurance claim.


In conclusion, alternative accommodation coverage is an indispensable component of a home insurance policy. It goes beyond mere financial protection; it ensures peace of mind, preserves relationships, and allows policyholders to remain independent during trying times. While it’s natural for customers to hope they’ll never need it, the real value of AA cover becomes apparent when it supports them in their hour of need. At Rapid Relocate, we’re committed to helping your customers make informed decisions about their AA options, ensuring they have the support and home from home they deserve when the unexpected occurs.

Contact us today for all alternative accommodation needs.